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Why Arizona Alfalfa Hay Is Best for Delivery
Different types of hay, various quality, delivery time, and costs – all of these might seem overwhelming if you do not know how to choose hay for your horses. That’s why here you can find information about hay delivery and why Arizona alfalfa hay is best if you want to have hay delivered to you. Conditions of weather and soil can have an impact on the nutrients in alfalfa hay, which is why buying it from a reliable supplier is so crucial. Learn more about Arizona alfalfa hay for delivery.

Why Is Arizona Alfalfa Hay Different?
Hay growing is very regional, which is why in different states, you will find different types and also the quality of hay. Most bales available in Arizona are alfalfa hay or a mix of grass and alfalfa. Arizona has a dry climate and unique weather conditions. Thanks to that, hay grows perfectly without excess moisture, and at the same time, nutrients from the soil remain in hay without being lost. Even though alfalfa hay is widely available across the United States, it reaches its best quality grown in Arizona. Storing hay inside before delivery helps make sure that rain or direct sunlight does not impact its quality and nutrition content.
If one of your hay needs is consistency, then Arizona alfalfa hay is the best choice. Plenty of irrigation water, good soil, and a lot of sunlight in Arizona help farmers grow high-quality alfalfa hay during the whole year. Warm days, chilly nights, and low humidity are also decisive factors. That is why Arizona is the most productive state when it comes to alfalfa hay. There are over 300,000 acres of alfalfa hay growing in the state. Moreover, Arizona also has the highest yields of hay compared to other states.
To make sure that the highest quality hay is produced, it is essential to provide enough water for alfalfa crops. Sometimes, growers have to cut off the water supply, though, which might be the case when there is a shortage or for weed control. Yet, alfalfa plants can tolerate lack of water, which is why it is so prolific in the climate prone to drought. Farmers harvest alfalfa several times during the year.

Why Horse Owners Should Buy Alfalfa Hay for Delivery
Horse owners look for the best quality of forage to feed their animals because typically, 50-100% of horses’ diets consist of hay. Alfalfa hay offers more nutrient content per pound compared to other kinds of hay. However, some horse owners might prefer feeding their horses with grass hay instead of legume hay, as it is closer to the natural diets of horses when they are grazing on pasture. But for horses with high nutrition requirements like performance horses or lactating horses, alfalfa hay is the best option.
Some ranchers might avoid alfalfa hay also because of such concerns as blister beetles. Yet, if you buy your hay from reliable suppliers, then this should not be an issue. So, should you or should you not order Arizona alfalfa hay for delivery? Here are some things you might want to consider:
- You can lower your grain costs if you feed your horses alfalfa hay. That is because it provides a lot of protein and energy.
- Horses enjoy alfalfa hay because of its palatability and sweet smell. Thus, there are more chances for them to finish their feed instead of leaving it aside.
- Alfalfa hay is pricier than some other types of legume or grass hay, but its nutrition value is higher. Depending on the dietary needs of your horses, you might still save money by buying less hay.
- Buying alfalfa hay from local producers means that it was stored in good conditions. As a result, it preserves most of its nutritional value for delivery.
About Alfalfa Hay
Alfalfa is a perennial cool-season plant that nourishes soil and plants thanks to its rich nutrition and root system. It has been grown for many generations of farmers and is common as hay for cattle and horses. Early cuttings of alfalfa are typically best because, with maturity, hay becomes harder to digest. Alfalfa hay is otherwise perfect for digestion. Some issues could impact the quality of alfalfa hay. For instance, in rainy seasons, there is a risk of mold developing because of excess moisture. Otherwise, if hay is of good quality and without problems, it should have a nice green color and a pleasant smell.

Even though alfalfa hay is a more popular type of forage for dairy cattle, it makes for nutritious feed for horses as well. It is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, protein, and energy. Its harvest in Arizona starts in early spring, but the fields can be cut as many as eight times throughout the year. When alfalfa is cut right before blooming, it has the highest nutritional value. That is because most of its nutrients stay in the stem and leaves and do not move into the flower once it blooms. Grading and quality of alfalfa hay depend a lot on nutrition, color, and texture of hay.
Arizona Hay Delivery
When you buy hay from third parties, it is important to know your supplier. Local farmers who specialize in hay growing are the best choice of producers for the best feed for your horses. We at Conway Feed know our producers very well, from what type to the quantity of hay they grow each year.
Conway Feed delivers Arizona alfalfa hay anywhere in the United States by the truckload. We only work with local farmers who grow and store alfalfa hay in optimal conditions. If you want to get Arizona alfalfa hay for your horses, know that it will be of the best quality to support the health of your animals. Apart from that, Conway Feed offers low delivery fees within Arizona. With many years of experience, the company has selected the top producers from local farmers who grow quality horse feed.
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